Big Lies in a Small TownBig Lies in a Small Town

2023-03-25 11:16 0 163
【片名】: Big Lies in a Small Town
【地区】: 美国
【影片类型】: 惊悚
【影片年代】: 2022
【导演】: danny j. boyle
【主演】: Rhonda Dent / kristina paras / matt hamilton / anna van hooft / Dax Belanger / natalie von rotsburg / Brent Stait / ashley alexander / kevin osea
【imdb】: tt20873622
【评分】: 5.6 0 (0人评分)


A young mother, Rachel, frantically searches for her teen daughter, Hannah. She went missing after their car crashed outside of a small town in the middle of
nowhere. Rachel desperately needs to find her before she's gone forever.


