Killer GradesKiller Grades

2023-01-30 13:31 0 87
【片名】: Killer Grades
【地区】: 美国
【影片年代】: 2021
【导演】: Jose Montesinos
【主演】: 劳瑞·佛蒂尔 / 梅根·阿什利·布朗 / zack gold / Liz Fenning / isabella feliciana / angelina folino / kylie acu?a / danny t miller / zach hoffman / tommy lee driver / Kelton Jones / blair sharn? / emma nasfell / henry brower / tony gibbons / Michael Cortez / 菲利普·纳塔内尔 / carol kaufman
【imdb】: tt14589522
【评分】: 5.7 0 (0人评分)


Proud mom Katherine has just found out that her daughter Michelle has earned a spot on the academic decathlon team. But, when a student winds up in the
hospital, she starts to wonder if there's more going on with the team than she knows.


