
2013-06-20 12:52 0 2860
【中文片名】: 金星战记
【片名】: ヴイナス戦記
【又名】: Venus Wars
【地区】: 日本
【影片类型】: 动作 / 科幻 / 动画
【影片年代】: 1989
【导演】: 古冈晃
【主演】: 盐泽兼人 / 植草克秀 / 佐佐木优子 / 纳谷悟郎 / 大冢芳忠 / 菊池正美 / 池田秀一 / 藤本让 / 玄田哲章 / 乡里大辅 / 山寺宏一 / 水谷优子 / 原 えりこ
【时长】: 102 分钟
【imdb】: tt0135037
【评分】: 6.7 8.5 (58人评分)
【标签】: 科幻 / 日本 / 动画 / 剧场版 / 动漫 / 日本动画


In The Venus Wars, mankind now resides on two planets: civilized Earth and fractious terra-formed Venus. In the midst of fighting between the two nation-colonies of Ishtar and Aphrodia, a group of monocycle racers accidentally befriends a feisty reporter (Susan Somers) who hopes to advance her career through gritty reports on the war from the Aphrodian side. There are plenty of opportunities for the characters to demonstrate their different attitudes and spirit. It is nice to see characters that are true to their natures and which do not exhibit that nasty tendency to change personalities in midstream just because it was convenient to give a shortcut to the plot. There are no shortcuts in the plot and it is a fast moving action-filled drama in true grand anime style. The characters have genuine quality character designs and the mecha designs are detailed and innovative. The director was also willing to experiment with different artistic filming styles. As subtitles go, Studio Nemo (an Arizona group) was competent and placed the titles so that the action was not obscured. Some people may compare this movie to Akira in grandeur, but there are differences. This movie is darker in color (more tones instead of bright colors), grittier in plotting whereas Akira used shock value instead, and has a stronger moving plot than does Akira with a definite goal in mind. A telling difference is that the soundtrack of Venus Wars is much more listenable with strong catchy vocals and epic background music for the sequences that need it. What's similar? Both have lavish budgets used to develop high quality detailed animation for theatre release. This movie has a timeless animation style and fluid plotline which makes it worthwhile in any anime collection. 故事讲述西元2002年,一颗完全由冰组成的小行星P-12与进行发生了碰撞,带走了部分金星大气层,散落的冰块再金星表面形成高酸性的海洋,彻底改变了金星的面貌。人类随后开始着手金星地球化的移民计划,建造了中和海水和分离氧气的工厂。西元2018年,第一批移民到达金星北大陆,金星纪年元年开始。随后的日子里殖民地逐渐形成两个大自治州——伊修塔尔和阿夫洛迪亚,两州之间不断为争夺金星的统治权而交战。


